In years before the outbreak of WWII, Mary stops being a JP. She (along with Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence) sits down to write her autobiography. She is awarded a CBE for services to folk song and dance. Her brother Theodore gives her lunch at Claridges. Mary holds a party in Littlehampton which is attended by Florrie Warren and her husband Arthur visiting from US on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. At a grand re-union, Florrie dances Jockey To The Fair with Vic Ghirardi, father of Nita Needham.
May Neville Chamberlain becomes Prime Minister.
Party to celebrate remembered by both Nita and Vida. Vida and Florrie correspondence.
Francis Fryer contacts Mary about setting up The Morris Ring. A toast made to Mary at Cecil Sharp House. Mary goes to Stow on The Wold with Abingdon Morris to meet old dancers and shows her CBE medal
Sept 1 Hitler invades Poland. Outbreak of World War II.
Mary moves in withthe Pethick-Lawrences at Fourways, Surrey. She finishes Autobiography. She Writes A Victorian Childhood for Adelphi Magazine, ed Max Plowman.
Mary works for Gallup Survey in Hampshire.
June 22 Mary dies in her sleep. Her cremation organised by Fred and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence is held at Woking Crematorium. Her eulogy is given by Emmeline.
June 28. Emmeline’s obituary for Mary appears in The Times.