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Archive -> 1918-1925


  • 1918-1925
  • 1918
    11 Nov Armistice Day and end of WWI. Mary says ‘The world had changed’.
    Mary moves to Amberley in Sussex to begin an ‘Interlude’, a period of recuperation, ‘Interlude’. She is asked to adopt 2 children: Anthony McIlwaine, Herbert’s son, and David of unknown parentage.
    Her own father, David Neal, dies Nov 20 1918, at Woodbourne Cottage, Boscombe, Hamphshire.
    Sharp travels to North Carolina to collect Folk Songs. The folk dance world in UK now belongs to him.
    Parliament grants women over 30 the right to vote.
    Open Door: Adoption of Anthony and David


    Mary is involved in first conversations at Everyman Hampstead, London


    Mary moves to Green Bushes, Littlehampton. She talks about the 2 boys in her care and receives many visitors to the house, including David’s father who is not named. She writes to Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence about David’s response to his visits.
    Dec Irish Free State established
    Open Door: Green Bushes, Littlehampton

    Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence raises 100 guineas for Mary. 100 people sign a small blue booklet which is acknowledges her ideals and life work.
    Fred Pethick-Lawrence is elected as MP to West Leicester, defeating Winston Churchill. Champions India’s rights to self-government


    Mary meets Rolf Gardiner who visits her at Green Bushes.
    June 23: Sharp writes a reconciliatory letter to Mary
    June 23: Cecil Sharp dies
