Mary and Emmeline Pethick-Lawrence leave Mission and move into St Pancras to try living off a sewing girl’s wage of £1 a week. The Espérance Club is set up to ‘experiment with drama and dancing’. Emmeline is the musical director. Mary the main organiser and Hon Secretary. They continue with trips to the sea and countryside.
Maison Espérance is set up in Wigmore St – a co-operative Tailoring Outfit offering a living wage and well lit workrooms.
A holiday home found in Littlehampton, Green Lady Hostel.
Mary writes ‘Dear Mother Earth’ as a fundraiser for the Club and for Littlehampton hostel. Oct 2nd EP marries Fred Lawrence, an Etonian, Cambridge educated lawyer. A progressive couple, they call themselves the Pethick Lawrences. Mary organises their wedding in Canning Town, with dancing. Herbert McIlwaine becomes the new musical director of the Espérance Club.
Queen Victoria dies. Edward VII on throne. End of 2nd Boer War
Oct 10th Emmeline Pankhurst breaks away from the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies (NUWSS) to form Womens’ Social and Political Union (WSPU). Ist meeting of WSPU held in London attended by Pankhursts, EP and MN amongst others. MN takes the minutes.